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Popular Web Frameworks for Web App Development

Popular Web Frameworks for Web App Development

 1# Express

Express is rapidly becoming one of the most trending frameworks nowadays. It is famous amongst Accenture, IBM, and Uber, and several other companies, and it is also compatible with others frameworks similar to Kraken, Sails, and Loopback.

Express boasts itself as a minimal, fast, and unopinionated framework. It offers some core framework functional capability without obscuring the features of Node and authority the robust performance of the asynchronous Node.js. It’s also pretty flexible and supports entire applications as well as REST API, as well. Maybe the biggest drawback of Express is the fact that there iss no specified way of doing things, at least for beginners.


2# Django

Django is one of the awesome backend frameworks that aid in developing a strong quality of web application. It uses the ‘Custom over Configuration’, as well as DRY pattern.  Django offers tools and methods to developers for building a secure website, implementing the safety features in the framework for best web development.  It was built with an intent to compete with fast-moving deadlines while satisfying the tough requirements of experienced web developers.  The applications are hugely scalable, fast, adaptable, and secure.  The companies that use Django are Pinterest, Disqus, YouTube, Spotify, Instagram, and other famous giants.



3# Rails

Rails is a Model-View-Controller framework that utilizes Ruby, and it is a famous framework that is loved by many developers. Airbnb, GitHub, Hulu, and Shopify are the main user of Rails Framework.

Rails are examined as a beginner-friendly framework, and the certitude advantages and disadvantages are discussed, help beginners get began with web development quite easily. There're many helpful gems for rails, which are library-like dependency that increase the functionalities of your application and assist you to develop even quicker and more efficiently.

The Rails community is pretty reliable and friendly, and there're many tutorial, screencasts, and assets that can help you become a rails master in no time.The main disadvantage of rails lies in the reality that they take quite a few efforts to deploy and run in a production environment, and the learning turn of rails often steep once you dive deepest into the framework to solve the magic behind it.


4# Laravel

Laravel is a Model-View-Controller framework (MVC) that uses PHP, which is one of the best famous languages of the web. It is pretty young compared to other frameworks on this list.

Laravel comes with API assistance out of the box, and it moreover possesses a decent quantity of packages that might extend its own reach. Laracasts is a screencast lesson website with a thousand videos on PHP, Laravel, and frontend technology in the Laravel ecosystem that able be considered to be elementary heaven. In terms of performance, still, Laravel does not compare to Django or Express, which might be a disadvantage for huge projects.


5# Spring 

Spring is a Model-View-Controller (MVC) framework that utilizes Java, an all-time famous language. Websites similar to Wix, TicketMaster, and BillGuard are users of that framework. Spring possesses many projects that increase its achievement and let you scale your business fast. The fact that it uses Java, a strongly typed language, is a severe professional to many web developers. The learning turn might be quite steep tho, especially if you don’t know Java.


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